
LIU Hailong
Tel: 86-10-62794711
Fax: 86-10-62797018
E-mail: [email protected]


Landscape  Planning and Nature Heritage Conservation

Sustainable  Tourism and Recreational Planning and Design

Garden Plant  and Ecological Restoration



Doctor of  Philosophy in Human Geography, School of Environment Science, Peking  University, 2005

Master in  Urban Planning, School of Architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture  and Technology, 2002

Bachelor in  Urban Planning, School of Architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture  and Technology, 1999



School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Lecturer  (07/2007-present)

Post doctor,  Assistant Researcher (07/2005-07/2007)


1.   The theory and approach to  establish the spatial network for the integrated conservation of Natural  and Cultural Heritage Sites of China [Foundation: National Natural  Science Foundation of China, No. 50608043] (01/07-12/09)
LiuHailong (Lecturer), YangRui (Professor), WuDongFan (Lecturer),  ZhuangYouBo (Lecturer), ZhaoZhiCong (PhD)
I was the applicant and the project manager who is in charge of the  supervise and organization of this project

2.   The 11th 5-year plan on  the Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservation of China (10/05-15/06)
LiuHailong (Lecturer), YangRui (Professor)
I was the core member who was in charge of the collectiion of materials  and writing

3.   General Planning of  LongmenShan Tourism Area in ChengDu City, Sichuan Province (9/07-11/08)
YangRui (Professor), LiuHailong (Lecturer), DengBing (Planner)
I was the team manager and core member who was in charge of the  organization of this project.

4.   National Park System  Planning of Beijing (3/05-10/06)
YangRui (Professor), DangAnRong (Professor), LiuHailong (Lecturer)
I was the core member who was in charge of the spatial structure,  classifcation and guidelines for NPS of Beijing region

5.   Ecological Infrastructure  Planning of Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province (7/03-10/05)
I was the team manager and core member who was in charge of the  organization of this project




Landscape  Hydrology (20 students in autumn)

Landscape  Ecology (30 students in spring)

Regional  Landscape Planning STUDIO (30 students in spring)



2005 Honor  Awards of Analysis and Planning, “Urban Growth Pattern based on  Ecological Infrastructure’ American Society of Landscape Architecture  (2005)

Excellent  Planning and Design Award, second Prize, General Urban Design of AnKang  City, Shaanxi Province (2002)

Excellent  Planning and Design Award, Third Prize, Master Planning of HuZhu and  DaTong autonomous county, Qinghai Province (2002)




1.   The 7th Conference of  International Association of Landscape Ecology, Wageningen, the  Netherlands (2007)

2.   The 43 th Conference  International Federation of Landscape Architecture, 2006 Annual Meeting  of ASLA, Minneapolis, U.S.A (2006)

3.   The 6 th Seminars of  Landscape Architecture of China-Japan-Korea, Kobe, Japan (2003)

4.   The 4th National Congress  on Landscape Ecology, Beijing, China, 2004


Social organization

Member of  IALE-China, Editor of China Chapter News Letter, (03/08)

International  Member of ASLA



Journal papers

1.   LiuHailong,(2009.1),Thinking of Establishing the Integrated Conservation  Network for Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites of China, Chinese  Landscape Architecture

2. LiuHailong,YuKongJian,ZhanXueMei,LiChunBo,FangWanLi,(2008.4),  Flood-control planning following natural hydrological process: the case  study of Yongningjiang River, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Urban Environment  Design

3.   LiuHailong,(2008.2),Thoughts of spatial development of cluster city and  its ideal spatial pattern-the case study for Taizhou City, Zhejiang,  Journal of Urban and Regional Planning

4.   LiuHailong,(2007.2),Summary of the Accreditation System of Landscape  Architecture Discipline in U.S.A and Its References to China, Chinese  Landscape Architecture

5.   LiuHailong,LiDiHua,HuangGang,(2006,5),Landscape Assessment on Impacts of  the Hydroelectric Development in the Valley Region-Case study of Nujiang  River,Progress in Geography

6.   LiuHailong,(2004,2),Ecological restoration and sustainable landscape  design of mining wastelands, Acta Ecological Sinica

7.   LiuHailong,(2005,3),From  sprawl toward smart growth: the remarks on Urban Growth Boundary concept  of USA and its significance, Urban Problem

8.   LiuHailong,(2005,6),Theme  and Its Function in Japan National Government Park,New Architecture

9.  LiuHailong,(2005,9),Review  of Ecological Infrastructure: Concept and Development, City Planning

10. LiuHailong,(2003,10),A key  method for the redevelopment of urban fringe:ecological restoration and  sustainable utilization of industrial and mining wastelands-a case study  of Shihuadong National Park of Beijing,Journal of the Japanese Institute  of Landscape Architecture

Selected conference proceedings

1.   LIU Hailong,LI Dihua,HUANG  Gang,Landscape impacts of multilevel hydroelectric construction in the  Nujiang River Valley and the ecotourism strategy for local  development,IFoU 2006 Beijing International Conference: Modernization  and Regionalism-Reinventing the Urban Identity,Proceedings Volum,523-531,2006

2.   Liu Hailong,Ecological  Infrastructure: The Concept, Development and Application,IALE World  Congress2007,International Association of Landscape Ecology, IALE

3.   Thinking to Establish the  Spatial Network for the Integrated Conservation of Natural and Cultural  Heritage Sites of China, 10th Annual Meeting of China Association of  Science and Technology, Proceedings of Landscape Architecture and Urban  Ecolgoy2008/09.


1.    YuKongJian, LiDiHua,  LiuHaiLong, Negative Planning Approach [M]. Beijing: China Architecture  and Builing Press, 2005

2.    Donald Watson, Alan J.  Plattus, Robert G. Shibley, Time-Saver Standard for Urban Design [M].  McGraw-Hill,translated by LiuHailong, GuoLingYun, YuKongJian, Beijing:  China Architecture and Builing Press, 2006

3.     Charles Waldheim,  Landscape Urbanism Reader [M]. New York: Princeton Architectural Press,  translated by LiuHailong, LiuDongYun, Beijing: China Architecture and  Builing Press, 2008

4.     Michael Hough, Cities and  Natural Process: A basis for sustainability [M]. London : Routledge,  translated by LiuHailong, ZhuangYouBo, ZhaoZhiCong,WuDongFan, Beijing:  China Architecture and Builing Press, 2008

5.   MadeWijaya, Tropical  Garden Design[M]. translated by DingHongXia,LiuYuJie,LiuHailong, HeFei:  BaiTong Publishing Group, AnHui Science and Technology Press,2004

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